Chocolate, Ice Cream And Bananas Are Tried Antidepressants

Chocolate, Ice Cream And Bananas Are Tried Antidepressants
Chocolate, Ice Cream And Bananas Are Tried Antidepressants

A number of studies have shown a direct link between eating and mental disorders. There are even special diets that are used in their treatment.

Chocolate and ice cream are tried antidepressants. It is no coincidence that Belgium, where depressions related to their deficiency are common, is considered one of the places where chocolate was created, and bananas are an everyday part of the Scandinavian menu.

Honey in combination with walnuts is useful for increasing potency, according to a British study, quoted by the BBC. Scientists advise to take every day 2-3 hours before bedtime about 100 grams of walnuts mixed with a spoonful of honey.

When we can't cope on our own, we can turn to sedatives for help - the most popular of them are probably based on valerian.

If periods of depression begin for no apparent reason, have a clear onset and tendency to recur, or alternate with periods of unmotivated mood swings, you must see a psychoneurologist or psychiatrist.


The statistics are that 30% of patients who see a doctor with unconfirmed somatic diseases suffer from depression.

In this case, it takes a special form, appears in the form of unpleasant or painful sensations in various parts of the body, which may resemble a somatic disease.

Nowadays, psychoneurologists have many drugs to treat depression. But this treatment is successful only if the disease is detected in time and controlled by a specialist.

Spring is often the beginning of new depressions. The spring exacerbation of mental sensitivity is mostly related to biological factors. The day increases and the solar activity increases.

Magnetic and radiation effects increase the sensitivity of the nervous system. Hormonal processes are activated and the body, due to the depletion of vitamins and trace elements during the winter, weakens.

Fear of the future, difficult financial situation, aggression is a test for the psyche. Anxiety, overt or covert anger affects your mood, which can lead to aggression.

It can be directed at both ourselves and those around us, so do not ignore the symptoms, but eliminate them in time.
