Eating With Chopsticks Has Subtleties

Eating With Chopsticks Has Subtleties
Eating With Chopsticks Has Subtleties

The chopsticks are part of the culinary history of the East, and their use is complicated by many conventions and ceremonies. In order to be able to say that we are using the chopsticks correctly, we must act as follows: we take one of the chopsticks (at a distance of one third from the upper end) between the thumb and the index finger of our right hand.

Hold it with your thumb and ring finger so that the index, middle and thumb form a ring. We place the second rod parallel to the first, at a distance of about 15 mm. When we straighten our middle finger, the sticks should move apart.

They come together by folding the index finger, and then with their tips we catch the piece that looks most appetizing. If it is very large, it can be separated with the help of cutlery.

You should never tap the sticks on the table or plate to call the waiter. Before you stretch the sticks to the food, you must have chosen the piece you will take. Do not prick the food on them and do not shake the piece to cool it.


Choose food only from the top of the pile on the plate and do not dig into it to find a tastier piece. According to Eastern etiquette, if you touch a piece with the tip of the utensils, you should eat it.

Never lick the sticks or pass food to another person. When not in use, leave the sharp edges to the left.

Never hold two sticks in a fist - according to Eastern etiquette, this is a threatening gesture. Do not poke them upright in the rice - this is how the rice is served to the dead before their burial.

Never place the sticks across the plate or bowl - this is also considered a bad sign. When you have finished eating, leave them on a special stand or on the side.
