8 Out Of 10 Breads On The Bulgarian Market Are Of Unclear Quality

8 Out Of 10 Breads On The Bulgarian Market Are Of Unclear Quality
8 Out Of 10 Breads On The Bulgarian Market Are Of Unclear Quality

In order for a bread to be of good quality, it must contain the main ingredients - flour, salt and water. But for 8 out of 10 breads it is not possible to determine to what extent this quality is observed.

The news was announced by the Federation of Bakers to bTV. The industry claims that only one-fifth of the ovens in the country are registered as manufacturers.

The rest are developing their activity in the gray sector and it remains unclear to what extent the product they produce is of quality, says Nena Aivazova, owner of a bakery.

The markets in our country offer a variety of types of bread, but most customers do not read the labels, nor do they trust the information on them. Most of them choose the products by the trial and error method.

It can often be found breadsold as a wholemeal, and subsequent tests to show that it is made from 50% wholemeal flour and 40% wheat flour. This is misleading the consumer, says Atanas Drobenov from the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency.

The agency's register includes 600 bread producers, but if we look at the market situation, we will understand that in reality there are many more, experts say.

Production control can only be done after a signal has been given. Last year, the BFSA took samples of 67 types of bread, and violations were found in only 4 of them. In case of established violation, the fine is BGN 3,000.
