Honey And Walnuts Act As Antidepressants

Honey And Walnuts Act As Antidepressants
Honey And Walnuts Act As Antidepressants

Doctors from the Belgian Institute of Public Health believe that the combination of honey and walnuts can replace antidepressants and take care of people's good mood.

According to experts, some foods contain large amounts of hormones that can increase hormonal conduction in the body, and if consumed often, a person becomes more susceptible to depression.

Experts are convinced that the natural alternatives to antidepressants are chocolate, bananas and walnuts.

As proof, scientists point to the statistics, according to which Belgians are always smiling and rarely suffer from a bad mood, and their nation is ranked among the nationalities that most often consume chocolate.


It has been found that women who limit themselves to sweet temptations are more acidic than women who regularly eat sweets and pastries.

Some time ago, a British study showed that the combination of honey and walnuts not only improves mood, but also increases potency.

Milk with Honey and Walnuts
Milk with Honey and Walnuts

According to the results of the study, the daily consumption of 100 grams of walnuts, mixed with a spoonful of honey 2-3 hours before bedtime, have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Research shows that there is a direct link between eating and mental disorders. There are even special diets that are used successfully in the treatment of depression.

Walnuts are known to be a tonic food. One of their most valuable properties is that they reduce the level of cholesterol in the body and are a good prevention against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

They are useful for people who are mostly engaged in mental activity, as they improve cerebral circulation.

Russian doctor PM Kurennov believes that honey and walnut flour can control diseases of the liver and kidneys.

According to many theories, 30 grams of honey taken half an hour before breakfast, 40 grams taken half an hour before lunch, and 40 grams taken 2 hours after dinner are guaranteed to ward off depression. It is good to repeat this procedure for at least 2 months without interruption.
