If You Want To Lose Weight, Eat With Fat People

If You Want To Lose Weight, Eat With Fat People
If You Want To Lose Weight, Eat With Fat People

Anyone who wants to lose weight should eat in the company of obese people.

The conclusion was made by a group of American and Canadian scientists who found that the type and amount of food that obese people eat makes those around them feel disgusted with it, ITAR-TASS reported.

The experts conducted a series of experiments, the aim of which was to find out how pine cones affect people while eating.

200 students took part in the experiment. The main character, however, was a slender girl of about 50 kilograms. During the various meals, she appeared now with her actual appearance, now disguised with masks and costumes that doubled her weight. The babe looked awful with fat hanging from her body.


The researchers noticed that the students never ate their food completely, watching the girl cram in greasy and fatty foods.

Experts also point out that a person can exclude from his diet absolutely everything except water, as it contains all the elements necessary for the maintenance of the body.

In fact, the content of substances necessary for the life of the organism in water is too low. Which means that its consumption must be increased. And if an ordinary person drinks 1-3 liters of water a day, the water supply will have to increase to 20-30 liters per day.

After many observations, scientists have concluded that water as food is absolutely harmless and largely useful. Improves health, cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances.
