Nine EU Countries Have Banned GMO Corn

Nine EU Countries Have Banned GMO Corn
Nine EU Countries Have Banned GMO Corn

Nine of the countries in the European Union have banned the cultivation of GMO corn on their territory. This is a choice that the EU gives to each Member State.

So far, Bulgaria has not announced whether it will allow the cultivation of GMO corn or follow the example of the countries that have banned GMO culture.

Austria, Italy, France, Germany, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Lithuania, Greece, Latvia and Hungary have issued an official statement against genetically modified maize. They will soon be joined by Luxembourg and Wales.

From 2 April to 3 October 2015, EU Member States can declare to the European Parliament whether or not they allow the cultivation of GMO maize on their territory.

GMO Corn
GMO Corn

Bulgaria has not yet made a definite decision, but must do so by October 3rd.

Earlier, the associations of Agrolink and In order for nature to remain in Bulgaria reminded the Ministry of Agriculture and Food that they had promised a policy of pure gene pool and genetic lines of Bulgarian maize varieties.

The two associations added that the cultivation of GMO corn will disrupt the country's natural biodiversity and threaten local varieties of corn.

The possible cultivation of GMO corn in our country in 2011 was met with many demonstrations, protests, events and actions that opposed artificial crops.

Grilled corn
Grilled corn

97% of Bulgarians are of the opinion that Bulgaria should continue to defend, including before the European Union, the existing bans on the cultivation of GMOs on its territory.

The last poll of our compatriots on GMO crops was conducted in 2010, with almost 100 percent of Bulgarians against. Attitudes have remained the same.

So in our country they hope that this week the Ministry of Agriculture will join the countries banning the cultivation of GMO corn on their territory.
