Chips And Chocolate Have Been Banned In British Schools

Chips And Chocolate Have Been Banned In British Schools
Chips And Chocolate Have Been Banned In British Schools

In the UK, a ban on the sale of chips, snacks, candy, chocolate and fizzy drinks in schools has been introduced. The order was given by the Ministry of Education.

A restriction was also introduced for spices and sauces, such as

British students will not be allowed to add more than a teaspoon of ketchup or mustard to their lunch, and salt shakers in school canteens will be removed.

Fried foods will be allowed only twice a week, as well as pastries.

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

At the same time, children will be encouraged to eat vegetables, fruits and nuts, and the menu will significantly increase fish dishes, eggs and beans.

There is no talk of such a ban in Bulgarian schools yet, although institutions are trying to limit harmful foods among students.

In Brazil, on the other hand, sweets are becoming an increasingly popular commodity because resourceful traders have started offering them in the colors of the national football team.

In addition to Brazilian desserts, lasagna with spinach and cheese in the colors of the Brazilian national flag has become a hit in the country where this year's World Cup is being held.


Traders have also begun to attract tourists with ravioli in the shape of a football field, and the vision of the delicious dish is the pinnacle of culinary art.

The aesthetics of the food has been transferred to the salad, as a specially produced green salad with walnuts is widely available for the fans of the Brazilian national team.

Taking advantage of the crowd of tourists who gather to watch the World Cup matches, some shops have a prepared menu with special snacks and dishes.

One of the packages of Torteria The Store, for example, can feed ten people with three pies, 50 mini sandwiches and 24 chocolate chip cookies.

The bonus to the food are flags, whistles and party decorations.
