They Found 591 Tons Of Undocumented Fruits And Vegetables On The Stock Exchanges

They Found 591 Tons Of Undocumented Fruits And Vegetables On The Stock Exchanges
They Found 591 Tons Of Undocumented Fruits And Vegetables On The Stock Exchanges

Inspectors of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) found more than 591 tonnes of undocumented fruit and vegetables in markets, exchanges, markets, warehouses and retail chains, which have been subject to intensified inspections in the last month.

Since the start of the operation, which started in mid-June, more than 1,000 inspections have been carried out. There were 176 discrepancies with the legislation in force in the country.

In 24 of the cases Acts for establishing an administrative violation have been drawn up, in the rest for issued prescriptions for elimination of the discrepancies.

Violations were found on the stock exchange in the village of Parvenets, Plovdiv region, where the inspectors found a lack of labels, omissions in the accompanying documents, discrepancies in the packaging and labeling of nectarines, peaches, oranges, watermelons, lemons, melons and tomatoes, peppers, carrots and potatoes.

Similar violations were found on the commodity exchange in the city of Varna, where experts have drawn up 7 acts of unscrupulous traders due to lack of labels and documents for the origin of goods.

There are also violations at the vegetable market in the Druzhba district of Sofia, where inspectors have found a lack of labels for potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, sweet peppers, apricots, cucumbers, watermelons and more.


The inspectors did not forget to check the stock exchange in the village of Karnalovo, Blagoevgrad region, where two acts were drawn up for lack of registration under the Food Act, as well as lack of markings for tomatoes, peppers, apricots and watermelons.

The warehouses for fruits and vegetables on the territory of the town of Gotse Delchev were inspected, as well as all municipal markets, where no serious violations were found.

These were found on the territory of Pazardzhik district, where the Vegetable Exchange in the village of Ognyanovo, a number of municipal markets, as well as warehouses for wholesale trade were inspected.

There are lack of labels for origin, lack of accompanying documents, lack of registration cards, as well as poor quality production of tomatoes, cherries, potatoes, cabbage, onions and sweet peppers.
