Experts: Don't Be Fooled, There Are No Organic Easter Cakes

Experts: Don't Be Fooled, There Are No Organic Easter Cakes
Experts: Don't Be Fooled, There Are No Organic Easter Cakes

The sale of Easter cakes with the organic label is pure fraud, said the chairman of the Branch Union of Bakers and Confectioners Mariana Kukusheva to Trud newspaper.

There is no certified company that produces such Easter cakes, the expert claims, and therefore there is no way to have Easter cakes with guaranteed organic quality in our markets.

These products are mainly offered on websites, where people who do not bother to give more than BGN 10 for one Easter cake remain deceived.

Kukusheva explained that an Easter cake must contain white wheat flour, yeast, sugar, eggs or egg mixture, powdered or fresh milk. In addition, the Easter cake must have a large volume, but light.

Easter cakes
Easter cakes

The specialist also advises not to buy Easter cakes at prices below BGN 1, because their quality is the lowest. The industry is not expected to change the values of ritual bread before Easter.

Experts from the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency add that although they do not guarantee organic Easter cakes on the market, vegan Easter cakes are certainly vegan.

They are available only in specialty stores and websites, and their prices are between 10 and 20 levs. In food chains, the ordinary Easter cake will be sold for between 2 and 8 leva.


You can also find eco-Easter cakes, which are prepared with eggs from free-range hens, brown cane sugar, Balkan honey, Rhodope cow's milk butter and einkorn flour, which must be mentioned on the label.

Ecokozunak is different from biokozunaka, say, on the other hand, producers from an organic store in Sofia. They point out as an eco-Easter product a product made of brown flour, Himalayan salt, brown sugar and Bulgarian eggs, prepared by hand and not from a ready-mix.
