Sweet Temptations From Our Childhood That We Will Never Forget

Sweet Temptations From Our Childhood That We Will Never Forget
Sweet Temptations From Our Childhood That We Will Never Forget

Most of us probably fondly remember moments from our childhood, because this remains the most carefree period of our lives.

And do you remember those sweet aromas that filled our father's hearth or rather the kitchen of mom or grandma? We were looking forward to being served the morning buns or mekis, or the afternoon cookies and gingerbread. Or those sweets that form like hedgehogs?

In the following lines we will not offer you specific recipes, because there are many on our site, and we will remind you only 3 of the sweet temptations of our childhoodthat we will never forget, no matter how much our hectic daily life pushes us to this:

1. Gingerbread

Gingerbread is a favorite childhood sweet
Gingerbread is a favorite childhood sweet

They are usually prepared during the Christmas and New Year holidays, but nothing prevents us from making them in another season. Extremely easy to prepare dough is kneaded from 2 eggs, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. oil, 4 tbsp honey, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. cinnamon and as much flour as it absorbs.

The only subtlety in the preparation of gingerbread is not to toast them, because they harden after being removed from the oven (they are baked at about 180 degrees). If you want to go back to your childhood, do not add ginger, as is "modern" in today's recipes. Our grandmothers were guaranteed not to have such an exotic spice in their kitchen cupboard.

2. Cookies

retro cookies
retro cookies

Classic a sweet temptation from our childhood, for which you will again find countless recipes. However, if you want the cookies to be really "classic", you should use butter, not margarine, butter, etc.

3. The hedgehogs mentioned fondly

They require a little more time, although their dough is also easy to knead. Again, it is important to use ointment if you want to go back to your childhood.

Also, after shaping the hedgehogs themselves and having already baked them, do not sprinkle them with chocolate bars. If we go back in time, we will find that such "extras" did not exist or were a real "luxury". Use crushed walnuts to decorate the hedgehogs. Enjoy!
