EMS Treatments For Your Body, Good Shape And Beauty

EMS Treatments For Your Body, Good Shape And Beauty
EMS Treatments For Your Body, Good Shape And Beauty

Who do we recommend E-fit classes for?

Want to learn about a new, effective training opportunity that is recommended for everyone, regardless of gender, age, fitness, and anyone who:

• would like to move, but has no free time - 1.5-2 hours for sports;

• wants to tighten and shape his body;

• is an athlete and wants to increase his results;

• suffers from overweight;

• a mother who wants to regain her shape after giving birth;

• fights cellulite;

• suffers from back pain as a result of improper posture;

• wants to tighten his relaxed muscles;

• suffers from joint problems;

EMS training
EMS training

• trauma interferes with movements that require exercise;

• is obsessed with daily problems and does not leave him strong for 1.5-2 hours of training.

What you need is: a variety of procedures with a personal instructor within 20 minutes. During the procedure, the muscles work simultaneously and are stimulated.

What does E-fit offer for you?

For 25 minutes there is an opportunity to emphasize the targeted treatment of a particular problem, as well as sometimes the necessary relaxing muscle massage.

• 2-3 workouts per week are recommended, as this type of workout requires muscle.

• A 20-minute workout corresponds to 1.5 hours of intense training in the gym: 24-36 hours are needed for recovery so that the processes started in the body by the workout can take place.

• In order to achieve the desired result, you need a break between workouts.

• Adherence to a proper diet to achieve maximum training results.

E-Fit is actually just for you! So that you can get in the best physical shape according to your individual pace, abilities and capabilities! If you avoid crowded and noisy gyms and feel better in quiet places, but you need a varied training plan, maximum attention and professional guidance, then E-fit is the perfect choice!


Why EMS?

In the XXI. century most people struggle with overweight, connective tissue abnormalities (cellulite, stretch marks, loose connective tissue) and weakened muscles. Due to lack of time and energy, we pay less attention to healthy eating and physical activity. After a long working day we just want to rest, training is the last thing that comes to mind in such moments, we often have no strength for anything.

Nowadays we can maintain our health and fitness with numerous sports activities. Many of us have tried different methods to achieve the goal better and faster during the procedure. In addition, we undergo a variety of treatments to maintain our figure and appearance.

Thanks to the use of innovative EMS technology E-fit achieved a breakthrough and the world of sports and shaping the figure. During the procedure and sports, the brain sends a message through the nerve endings to the control points of the muscles via electronic impulses. Close-up EMS (electromuscular stimulation) technology provides electrical stimulation to muscles, causing them to contract and relax at a higher intensity.

Try E-fit!

If you want to try the procedures with E-fit, click the link with the promotional prices: https://ofertomat.bg/offers/view/2430.html

www.efit.bg; Facebook: E-fit Bulgaria
