Healing Properties Of Latin

Healing Properties Of Latin
Healing Properties Of Latin

The well-known and much-liked Latin flower is a guest from South and Central America. It is also called Benedict and yellow rose because of the predominant yellow and orange color. This summer decorative flower from the family of angiosperms pleases the eye with its constant flowering until the first frost.

The beautiful appearance of the Latin it is not her only dignity. It is a remarkable medicinal plant due to its composition. The aboveground parts of the plant are valuable because ascorbic acidwhich they contain. In the stem it is 100-150 milligrams, and in the leaves it reaches 450 milligrams. There is so much in blackcurrant and pepper.

The healing properties of Latin are also due to sulfur and carotene in its composition. They are an appropriate preventive measure against multiple sclerosis and other age-related diseases.

Thanks to potassium, iodine and phosphorus Latin works stimulates the immune system, improves metabolism and has an antimicrobial effect.

All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. The leaves are useful in scurvy, which is a rare disease today, but with persistent symptoms.

In influenza diseases and related problems with the upper respiratory tract, Latin has a beneficial effect, soothes coughs. It is especially effective in chronic bronchitis. The content of natural antibiotics makes it a remedy that effectively replaces chemistry.

The beneficial properties of the plant make it suitable for metabolic disorders, kidney and gallstones, inflammation of the lymph nodes and as a laxative. Both fresh and dried flowers are used, mainly for depression and irritability.

benefits of Latin
benefits of Latin

In diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, the whole plant is used. From the buds, fruits and leaves are boiled and taken from the decoction to soothe the infection.

In chronic bronchitis, a tincture of the whole plant is also recommended. An alcoholic tincture is prepared from the seeds, buds and leaves, which is applied as drops.

In stomatitis, a decoction of the flower and leaves of the Latin is a suitable means of rinsing the mouth and throat.

External application is for itching. The leaves are used to make juice, which soothes irritated skin. The leaves are also effective in hair loss. For its treatment an alcoholic tincture of nettle and Latin leaves is made. A decoction of the fruits and leaves of the flower can also be used.

The essential oil of the flower reduces physical and mental stress and reduces daily stress.
