Candy In Latin Means Medicine

Candy In Latin Means Medicine
Candy In Latin Means Medicine

The word, which means candy, in Latin, actually translates as a prepared medicine. The first candies appeared in Egypt. Since sugar was not known at the time, dates and honey were used instead.

In the East, candies were made from almonds and figs, and in ancient Rome, walnuts were boiled with poppy seeds and honey and sprinkled with ground nuts. In ancient Russia, candy was made from honey and maple syrup.

In the sixteenth century, chocolates were especially popular in Europe, which were attributed magical and healing properties. Naturally, these expectations were not justified, and then chocolate began to be considered the source of all misfortune.

At the time, it was believed that if a woman gave birth to a black baby, it was due to chocolate. The cuckolds didn't even think it could be anything else.

The most romantic candies are those filled with strawberry cream, psychologists say. Determined people mostly prefer candies with drunk cherries.

Anxious and introverted people love walnut-flavored candies or sprinkled generously with ground walnuts. Creative natures melt away from the coconut aroma and taste.


The most famous candies are pralines. They were invented in 1663. They were intended specifically for the French ambassador to Germany. The largest box of candy was created by the Master Food company and contained 800 kilograms of candy.

The largest candy is 1.68 meters high and weighed 633 kilograms. It was a jelly bear that dried for about two weeks and was then polished to a shine.

The most space candy was shot in 1995 aboard the Mir space station. The strangest candies in the world are the Finnish ones. They are sour, but without a gram of sweet taste, salty - for beer and even with a taste reminiscent of oil.
