The Herb Hyssop For Insomnia And Nervous Tension

The Herb Hyssop For Insomnia And Nervous Tension
The Herb Hyssop For Insomnia And Nervous Tension

Insomnia, anxiety, tension - all related conditions. The most common cause of insomnia is stress, which in most cases is the result of overexertion. They are extremely unpleasant and interfere with the normal way of life.

Herbal medicine offers a cure for everything. Here the hyssop plant and its oil come to the rescue. It helps prevent nervous tension and causes trouble-free sleep. It is also recommended to reduce sadness and hysteria, as well as to clarify thoughts.

Hyssop oil is quite expensive, but every penny is worth it. Massage with it helps with nervous tension and insomnia on nervous soil. It is also recommended for rheumatic pain, migraine, menstrual and muscle pain, irregular menstruation, high blood pressure, cellulite, varicose and inflamed veins, flu, sore throat and more. In cases of depression, mental fatigue and fear neuroses, hyssop oil baths are performed.

In addition to such problems, hyssop oil is also used to treat bronchitis, asthma, flu, colds, bruises on the skin and for faster wound healing. It easily cleanses the airways, releases accumulated mucus and soothes bronchial spasms.

Hyssop oil is extremely highly concentrated. It should be used with caution as it can raise blood pressure. Small doses of it are administered. It is not used for epileptics, hypertensives, nursing mothers, pregnant women and children, as well as people with individual intolerance to this oil. It is not recommended in combination with alcohol consumption.

Dried Hyssop
Dried Hyssop

In addition to hyssop oil, to soothe anxiety or for asthma, colds and coughs, hyssop infusion is also taken. Only the dried above-ground parts of the plant are used for its preparation.

For this purpose, 2 tablespoons of dried hyssop are placed in boiling water. Soak for 15-20 minutes and when cool - strain. Take one small glass of the infusion three times a day.

It can also be used topically for rinsing. This is done by dipping a clean cotton cloth in it and then placing it on the affected area.
