Rosemary - A Natural Tonic For The Brain And Nervous System

Rosemary - A Natural Tonic For The Brain And Nervous System
Rosemary - A Natural Tonic For The Brain And Nervous System

Rosemary is one of the most beloved spices in any kitchen. Its homeland is the warm lands of the Mediterranean, where it grows as a perennial evergreen shrub. It is sold as a fresh herb, dried spice, and rosemary oil is especially popular.

Rosemary used for cooking and for medicine for centuries. Here what are the benefits of rosemary and how it can help your health:

For memory and concentration

Rosemary has long been used in folk medicine for better memory. Even in ancient Greece, students put rosemary stalks in their hair while studying. It is also used in aromatherapy to help with concentration. 750 milligrams of rosemary dissolved in tomato juice will improve memory in both healthy and older people.

Against stress

Rosemary is used and in aromatherapy to relieve stress. The combination of rosemary and other oils lowers cortisol levels and thus reduces anxiety. Sachets of rosemary and lavender essential oil are used to relieve stress in students before important exams. Rosemary bags can be placed under the pillow on which you sleep.

benefits of rosemary
benefits of rosemary

Against hair loss

Rosemary has been linked to hair growth in many cultures. There is evidence that applying a combination of rosemary, lavender, thyme and cedar oil on the scalp can help against hair loss and accelerate hair growth. Rosemary oil stimulates hair follicles, as a result of which the hair becomes more vibrant and shiny. The oil is especially effective when rubbed into areas that have begun to go bald.

Against indigestion and other stomach problems

In the Mediterranean they use rosemary leaves in upset stomach, gas and digestive problems. The method was approved by the German commission, which studies the safety and effectiveness of herbs.

Against pain and muscle aches

Taking a combination of rosemary, hops and oleanolic acid can help relieve the pain associated with arthritis. It has a proven effect on menstrual pain and headaches.
