Will I Lose Weight If I Don't Have Dinner?

Will I Lose Weight If I Don't Have Dinner?
Will I Lose Weight If I Don't Have Dinner?

If you just give up dinner after 6 pm, you will change your body surprisingly. Our body needs glucose because it is the main source of energy.

It must enter the body constantly, regardless of the time of day. 6 grams of glucose per hour are needed for the normal functioning of brain cells.

If no food enters the body, glucose is synthesized from glycogen first by the liver and then by the muscles. During sleep, all processes in the body slow down, this also happens with metabolism.

And if you've been exercising or walking before bed, your metabolism speeds up in the evening. If you give up dinner, you will reduce the calories for the day by about 500 to 700 and therefore your body will begin to lose weight.

Will I lose weight if I don't have dinner?
Will I lose weight if I don't have dinner?

But if you deprive your body of food for more than 10 hours, it begins to draw glucose from the stores that are found in muscle and bone tissue.

The "give your enemy dinner" advice is not very appropriate for residents of large cities, as they need food during the day. If you get up after 6 o'clock in the morning, you can't deprive your body of glucose without eating dinner after 6 o'clock.

You can lose weight without affecting your body, but only if you reduce dinner to a minimum. Eat an apple before bed so you don't have to get up at night and run to the fridge.

If you turn each dinner into a series of three or four meals and dessert, the unspent calories will accumulate in the form of subcutaneous fat on your body.

If you miss dinner, you will wake up in the morning hungry like wolves, and breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day. The bad thing is that many people do not eat breakfast, and then their body has no chance for a new portion of glucose until noon.

Large breaks between meals can cause serious stomach problems. In some diseases, such as ulcers or gastritis, as well as a predisposition to the formation of gallstones, refusing dinner is undesirable.

You do not need to harass your body by depriving it completely of dinner. Replace the steak with potatoes with a large portion of roasted pumpkin and vegetable salad.

If you do not overeat at dinner, in the morning your body will be free of excess fluids and some subcutaneous fat will be absorbed. In the absence of dinner, he loses about 2 kilograms in four days.

You should not overdo it with skipping dinner - after 5-6 days the body begins to feel bad and absorbs glucose from the muscles, which leads to a constant feeling of hunger and lack of vitality.

Deprive yourself of dinner, but no more than 5 consecutive days a month. Limit fat, pasta and sweets before bed.
