They Place GMO Apples On The Market That Do Not Darken

They Place GMO Apples On The Market That Do Not Darken
They Place GMO Apples On The Market That Do Not Darken

We have all seen fruits and vegetables such as apples, potatoes and many others darken when cut. The reason for this is a chemical process known as oxidation. The result is enzymes and free radicals that change the chemical structure of food molecules, making it less attractive.

A group of experts from a Canadian company has developed new genetically modified apples, which will go on sale in US stores next month. The fruits are characterized by the presence of a gene that allows them not to darken in the area of the cut piece for at least three weeks.

Conventional apples contain polyphenols. These enzymes are needed for the oxidation of antioxidants. In this case as a result of the formation of quinones. These antioxidants, interacting on a slice of apple with air, give the fruit this characteristic brown color after a few minutes.


The new apples, which are not susceptible to such oxidation, will go on sale in supermarkets in February. The creators of the modified fruits grow more than 85,000 new apple trees. By 2018, their number will increase to 500,000. Experts say the new apples will be much more durable and cheaper than natural fruits.

There is currently no confirmed scientific evidence of the dangers of products derived from genetically modified organisms. In 2016, more than 120 Nobel laureates called on the UN and national governments to stop fighting genetically modified organisms.


To start selling GMO apples, Canadians have already received permission from the Food and Drug Administration.
