The Best Combinations With Duck Magre

The Best Combinations With Duck Magre
The Best Combinations With Duck Magre

Duck Magre is an increasingly popular product in recent times. This is actually duck meat or more precisely - duck fillets or breasts. Duck Magre is the most delicious and delicate duck meat, available with the skin. This type of meat goes very well with different fruits such as pears, apples, beets. In this way its taste is enhanced.

The classic is Duck Magre with orange. That's why we suggest you see who they are the best combinations with Duck Magre?

With orange

Duck breasts
Duck breasts

To make this recipe, you need besides Magre and oranges. You will make juice from them to flavor the meat. In this way it will become juicy and very tasty. Before that, however, first season the fillets with salt and pepper. Make something like the marinade of 1 orange, and leave the flavored pieces of meat to rest for about an hour or two. Then just fry them briefly in a hot pan and bake in the oven in foil. Be sure to add another orange, which this time cut into slices and place on top of the meat.

With apples

Duck Magre with apples
Duck Magre with apples

Fry apple cubes, whatever variety you want, in the fat in which you first fried the meat. Add the spices - salt and pepper, and boil the fruit in the juices on high heat for no more than 5 minutes so that they do not become a pulp. Then, together with the duck fillets, bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

With pears

Duck Magre with pears
Duck Magre with pears

Photo: User # 170618

Duck Magre with pears is a real classic. Seal the pieces of meat in fat on a hot pan and caramelize the pears with sugar. You can also add some alcohol and flambé them. Cover Magrego with the sauce from the pears made in this way.

With beets

The best combinations with Duck Magre
The best combinations with Duck Magre

You will need the beets as a side dish. To do this, boil the beets, mash it and strain it. Add red wine, brown sugar and cinnamon. Bring to the boil and add agar-agar. This is a great combination for yours Duck Magre.

With nar

Duck with pomegranate
Duck with pomegranate

You can make this recipe either by adding pomegranate juice to Duck Magre, or by making your own pomegranate sauce. thick liquid. You can add different spices that you like, as well as lemon or orange to it.
