We Throw Away Tons Of Food Instead Of Donating It

We Throw Away Tons Of Food Instead Of Donating It
We Throw Away Tons Of Food Instead Of Donating It

More than half of Bulgarians do not consume the required amount of fruits, vegetables and fish, and every fourth Bulgarian is starving. On the other hand, tons of food go to waste instead of being donated.

Alarm about the problem with donations The Bulgarian Food Bank and producers who told Nova TV that they do not donate surplus food just because the Ministry of Finance refuses to remove VAT on donations.

Although a large part of the people in our country live on the brink of poverty, the help they need is not tolerated.

According to the Bulgarian Food Bank, more than half of Bulgarians cannot afford the daily consumption of meat, fish and protein. This figure includes many children.

Compared to their European peers, Bulgarian children eat the most poorly. Every third child misses the daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are mandatory to take the necessary amount of vitamins.

We throw away tons of food instead of donating it
We throw away tons of food instead of donating it

On the other hand, in our country an average of 670,000 tons of food is thrown away in one year. With a portion of an average of 300 grams, this means that this food will be enough for a year and a half of starving Bulgarians.

But food is not donated, and the reason for this is the companies stating the regulated VAT on donations. It is cheaper for producers to pay fees for the destruction of food instead of donating it, and most of them do just that.

The Ministry of Finance says that they do not provide relief for donations, because in this way fraud is possible. The additional tax was introduced by the European Union.

The Bulgarian Food Bank says that in 12 of the member states there are various reliefs. In Hungary and the United Kingdom, for example, if you donate to a registered charity, there is no VAT.
