Some Myths About Weight Loss

Some Myths About Weight Loss
Some Myths About Weight Loss

When women decide to lose weight, we trust all kinds of advice - from colleagues, from girlfriends, from the Internet. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of books written around the world that contain all kinds of weight loss tips.

However, there are some rules that do not really correspond to the truth. For example:

- Myth №1: It is filled by eating rice late at night. The truth is that rice and wheat contain a lot of carbohydrates that are converted into glucose.

They should be consumed in the evening, because after digestion the glucose that is absorbed into the blood is more easily converted into energy. These foods should not be taken during the day, because then glucose is more easily converted into fat.

- Myth II: Eat breakfast the most and skip dinner. The truth is that this is wrong. We should eat a lot in the morning and during the day, because then we are active and we need energy. And in the evening to eat minimally, because during sleep less energy is expended. The level of cortisol in the blood is highest in the morning and gradually decreases during the day. At high levels of cortisol, the body automatically falls into a state of insulin resistance. That is, glucose in the blood is more easily converted into fat.

- Myth №3: Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is mandatory. The truth is that the body suggests the need for water. It is individual - according to the activity and the environment.

Some myths about weight loss
Some myths about weight loss

- Myth №4: It is full of whole grains. Although they contain a lot of carbohydrates, little protein and lose vitamins, minerals and fiber during processing, such foods are not filling. This is the truth. You just don't have to overdo it. And to consume them infrequently, for example once a week.

- Myth №5: Sport is enough to lose weight. The truth is that weight loss depends on the amount of food you eat. But exercise should not be neglected because it is invaluable for muscle tone and overall health.
