Hit Of The Season: Black Ice Cream

Hit Of The Season: Black Ice Cream
Hit Of The Season: Black Ice Cream

Have you eaten all sorts of ice cream flavors and think you've tried everything? Maybe not! The latest craze that floods social networks are photos of people enjoying the taste of their black ice cream.

This type of ice cream is made from coconut, but to have a more interesting and challenging look, coconut shavings are charred until they become tarry black.

It is said that in this way the already black sawdust acts on the body as activated carbon, namely purifying and removing excess water that has remained in our bodies.

However, you should not rejoice unnecessarily and start abusing it. Although with purifying functions, ice cream remains ice cream, and we all know that it is a delicious but relatively forbidden pleasure due to the large amount of sweeteners contained in it.

Black ice cream
Black ice cream

Before you buy a ball black ice cream however, you should know that once you are done with it, your mouth and tongue will also remain black for a while.

For some of you, this can be scary, for others it seems extremely fun, so the more adventurous can try.
