Some Effective Exercises For Losing Weight

Some Effective Exercises For Losing Weight
Some Effective Exercises For Losing Weight

The slim figure is not only an indicator of beauty, but also of good health. The abundance of junk food, hours of sedentary work, lack of fresh air lead to weight gain and the appearance of various diseases. Doctors recommend doing at least 30 minutes a day of exercise.

Visiting a fitness center is not necessary at all, because for busy people there is an excellent alternative - weight loss exercises at home. A set of effective exercises will help maintain the figure without a lot of time and money, but also reduce stress and get rid of it. The main thing is to exercise regularly.

Beginners who have no experience with fitness should start with simple exercises that will help the body gradually get used to stress. The optimal time for beginners is 20 minutes. All movements should be performed slowly without using weights at the beginning.

Every activity should start with a warm-up. Training for beginners includes the following movements:

smooth rotation of the head (10-15 times);

straight arms forward and up (10-15 times);

pelvic rotation (8-12 times);

circles with the knees (10-15 times);

jumping in place (10-15 times).

The five-minute warm-up prepares the body for the main block of exercises and helps to avoid injuries. The complex for beginners, providing rapid weight loss, includes the following exercises (number of repetitions - 15-20 times):

Half squat: arms outstretched forward.

Attacks: alternately forward with left and right foot. Important: The knee should bend at a right angle when pressed.

Shoulder-width apart, spread your legs - slow squats for 3 counts, then slowly straighten.

Take a starting position - knee support, then with the help of your palms slowly press the floor. During the exercise, the back is straight, working only with the hands. If you feel discomfort in your knees, you should place a low pillow or towel under them.

Press exercise: lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, arms folded to the body, slowly raise your shoulders, inhale and exhale. When lifting, only the shoulders should be lifted - this leads to tension in the abdominal muscles.

Lifting the thighs: lie on your back, place your hands next to your body, lift your buttocks, make quick movements with your thighs up and down. When lifting, you should compress the gluteal muscles as much as possible.

These exercises are for beginners, in just 20 minutes and involve loading the "problem" areas: legs, thighs, arms and shoulders. Small breaks are allowed during the activity, but not more than 5 minutes.

Finish your workout with light, relaxing exercises. To lose weight at home quickly, it is necessary to join an intensive program with powerful and aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercise leads to an increase in heart rate - a prerequisite for effective fat burning. Strength training helps to increase muscle mass, on which depends the beautiful relief of the figure.

There are several schemes of home training: running outdoors, dancing aerobics, exercise bike.

The next day - a workout with more power, which includes exercises for all muscle groups. During the session = combine powerful and aerobic exercises. For example, start with a 5-minute walk with an ergometer, then perform abdominal exercises, the next 5 minutes - aerobics, with exercises for the thighs.
