How To Write Phosphates On Food

How To Write Phosphates On Food
How To Write Phosphates On Food

In the food industry the use of phosphates is widespread. In small quantities, phosphorus is useful and even necessary for the body, but its excessive use can lead to serious health consequences.

It is a well-known fact that phosphorus is useful for brain activity. For the most part, the most important human organ is made up of a phosphorus derivative, the phospholipid compound. The same element plays an important role in the formation of the action of proteins and proteins important for the overall functioning of the body.

Phosphorus and its derivatives, called phosphates, are used in almost all branches of the food industry. In the creation of carbonated beverages, phosphoric acid is added, which is used as a sweetener. In the meat industry, phosphates are used as a leavening agent for greater volume and weight.

In the dairy industry, phosphates are mainly used for a softer cheese consistency. In canneries, phosphates are added to canned fruit for greater fruit density. The chemical element is even used in the production of sugar to make it lighter in color.


Along with its widespread use, phosphorus has a number of harmful effects when taken in large quantities. This is mainly due to the metabolism of humans, as well as its excessive accumulation in the human body after taking various products in which it is invested.

Excessive intake of phosphorus stimulates the production of parathyroid hormone, and it has already been proven that it washes calcium from the bones. This leads to the development of osteoporosis. The bones become brittle and break at the slightest injury. Recent studies have shown that frequent use of carbonated beverages containing phosphoric acid irreparably damages bones, especially in women.

Phosphorus also increases the risk of heart attack and calcification of the heart vessels. The intake of the chemical element during pregnancy stops the development of the lungs and the heart of the fetus.

How can we detect the presence of phosphates in the products we buy? Rarely on the labels it is written that the product contains phosphates or polyphosphates. In most cases, they are coded with the justifiably infamous E's.

By E338 is meant phosphoric acid. Sodium phosphates are labeled E339. They are followed by E340 for potassium phosphates, E341 for calcium phosphates, E342 for ammonium phosphates and E343 for magnesium phosphates.
