The Most Dangerous Preservatives In Food

The Most Dangerous Preservatives In Food
The Most Dangerous Preservatives In Food

Eating healthy is one of the most discussed topics - what to consume, what to completely remove from your menu and why. Diets are increasingly flooding people's minds and often lead to obsession with the topic of food and food products. On the one hand, it is great for everyone to have a culture of eating, which is not limited to our attitude at the table.

The culture of nutrition includes what to eat, what to look for on food labels, what is good for our body. On the other hand, a healthy diet makes us very vigilant about what we buy and what we put on the table - as long as we do not go to extremes, it can only bring us benefits. More and more people are starting to look for organic food, to read the labels of the products they buy - what it contains and to ask themselves what is E 209 or E 216.

We will look at what all these E's mean in food, or at least that part of preservatives that is good to avoid. What they supply us with and whether they harm us in any way and what are actually the most dangerous preservatives in food are questions that maybe everyone asks. All kinds of preservatives, colorants, enhancers, etc. in food can be harmful, although manufacturers often try to convince us that they are not just not harmful, but on the contrary - are useful.

Preservatives are marked on the labels with an E sign and a number after them. In fact, to consider only preservatives, we must say that they are from E 200 to E 290. And since these are many types of preservatives, we will consider those that are actually dangerous and pose a risk to our health:

The most dangerous preservatives in food
The most dangerous preservatives in food

The following preservatives are carcinogenic - from E 210 to E 217 (contained mainly in juices, carbonated and refreshing drinks, pies with a spicy taste), as well as E 240, E 249;

The most dangerous preservatives in food
The most dangerous preservatives in food

From E 230 to E 233 - these are preservatives that can irritate your skin and cause skin problems, they are used mainly for agricultural purposes. These same additives (plus E 239) can also cause an allergic reaction. E 233 also leads to obesity.

If you are hypertensive, you should be careful with foods that contain the preservatives E 250, E 252 and E 254. E 250 can most often be found in sausages and frankfurters - this supplement is carcinogenic and products that contain this preservative are prohibited in some countries.

In Australia, a large proportion of these preservatives are banned. To be a little clearer - those preservatives that are not known to have caused any effects are - from E 201 to E 203, E 234 (contained in tomato paste as well as in beer), E 260 (used for pickles), E 262.

Those that are good to avoid are - from E 210 to E 217, E 220, E 226, E 227, from E 236 to E 239, E 250, E 252.
