You Take These 6 Preservatives Without Even Realizing It

You Take These 6 Preservatives Without Even Realizing It
You Take These 6 Preservatives Without Even Realizing It

One of the main components of a healthy lifestyle is clean food. Many people believe that limiting the so-called. junk food and processed foods stop taking any "poisons" in their body.

It turns out, however, that in some of the foods we do not even guess how many preservatives are contained. Probably one of the most famous examples of a preservative is salt, and you can hardly imagine any delicious food without being salted. Of course, the poison lies in the dose. Salt can be very useful for the human body, but not if you overdo it.

In many other nutritional supplements contain preservativesand we don't even realize it. Here they are:

№1 Sorbates

The cheese contains the preservatives sorbates
The cheese contains the preservatives sorbates

Do you like to drink orange juice or eat cheese? Or maybe you prefer spaghetti, yogurt, pickles, ice cream, dried meats or baked goods? All of them contain preservatives from the group of sorbates. These include sorbic acid and its salts - sodium, potassium or calcium.

Sorbates are preservativeswhich are used to prevent the growth of mold. In sensitive people, sorbates cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, it is forbidden to give to infants.

Side effects of sorbate intake include severe headache, migraine, skin irritation, asthma or hyperactivity.

№2 Propionates

In pasta such as bread, muffins, patties, even breadcrumbs you will find the so-called. bread preservative. This is the calcium propionate (282), which is produced from propynic acid. This preservative is added to pasta to prevent the development of mold and other bacteria.

Unfortunately, propionates have side effects in more sensitive people. These include difficulty concentrating and lack of concentration.

№3 Benzolates

Ointments contain preservatives
Ointments contain preservatives

The combination of sodium benzoate with vitamin C forms benzene. It is a carcinogen that has been shown to cause many types of cancer. Although they are some of the oldest preservatives, benzolates lead to serious side effects. It is forbidden to give food containing this preservative to infants because they cause asthma. In other people, the side effects of benzolates are headache, hyperactivity, stomach upset or skin irritation.

Benzolates are found in soft drinks, orange juice, sauces and various toppings. But not only - this group of preservatives you will find in cheese and yogurt, as well as in some cough medicines or other ointments.

№4 BHA and BHT

Bottled hydroxyanisole - BHA and bottled hydroxytoluene - BHT are widely used preservatives in the food industry. They are derived from petroleum antioxidants, and their application is most often in various fats and oils, as they prevent their rancidity.

Whether they are safe to eat has been the subject of intense debate for years. In the United Kingdom, for example, BHA is banned for use in instant foods. The heat-resistant additive BHA, which is found in baked goods, has been shown to be carcinogenic. However, in many parts of Europe and Japan, this preservative continues to be used.

You will find BNA in margarines, vegetable oils and olive oils. But not only - this preservative is found in lots of cakes, biscuits, pastries, candies, chewing gum. BHA has been shown to be present in frozen French fries, as well as in other frozen products, in milk powder, in certain cereals, and even in bread.

Frozen potatoes contain the preservative BHA
Frozen potatoes contain the preservative BHA

The side effects you can observe after excessive intake of these preservatives, are stomach upset, mood swings (including insomnia or depression), aggression, hyperactivity. Many people develop skin problems (hives, rashes, dermatitis, eczema) or asthma.

№5 Nitrites and nitrates

These are likely the most famous hidden preservatives in food. We are used to hearing about them and many of us consider them to be completely natural. However, keep in mind that they can lead to serious health problems, including stomach or bowel cancer, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and recurrent infections.

Nitrates are found in many foods such as ham and sausages. They are used to extend their shelf life. In addition, they prevent the appearance of bacteria and preserve the color of the products.

№6 Sulfites

There are many preservatives in dried fruits
There are many preservatives in dried fruits

It is the most common preservative. You will find it in dried fruits (apricots, raisins, etc.), in sausages and delicacies, fruit juices, processed vegetables, baked goods, sauces and burgers.

Sulfur dioxide and its synthetic form are used to extend the shelf life of the product and to protect the food from bacteria. In fruits, sulfites are used to preserve their color.

However, they have some harm to the human body. Sulfites lead to asthma, skin rashes and eczema, headaches, behavioral disorders.
