Supercooling Or How To Keep Fish Without Preservatives

Supercooling Or How To Keep Fish Without Preservatives
Supercooling Or How To Keep Fish Without Preservatives

Most recently, the UN issued a report that revealed the appalling scale of food waste. According to the organization, developed countries throw away 222 million tons of food a year, while the other half of the world fights hunger.

Food that goes to waste is the result of overproduction and the inability to store it for long.

The Scandinavian Research Institute has developed a new food preservation method that has the potential to help solve the problem of food waste and preserve products longer.

The technology that Scandinavian scientists have developed is known by the term supercooling. Thanks to it, organic salmon has been kept incredibly fresh for a whole month, without any preservatives or minerals being used in its storage.

What exactly is supercooling - fish meat is cooled by shock to -2 degrees Celsius. Thus, it is stored at a temperature lower than that of an ordinary refrigerator, but much higher than that of a freezer.

Frozen salmon
Frozen salmon

At -2.5 degrees the fish is super-chilled, but in no case is it frozen. In this way it retains its qualities and especially its freshness, and then has no taste of thawed food.

The supercooling method has other advantages besides the fact that the meat is not treated with any chemicals.

Scientists hope that with the mass introduction of the supercooling method, the amount of food that is thrown away worldwide will be drastically reduced.

The application of the new technique will also lead to a reduction in harmful carbon dioxide emissions.

Thus, instead of transporting food in boxes filled with up to 30 percent ice, in fish cooled by the new technology, the ice in it will be enough to keep it fresh.

The method has another economic benefit - the fish stored in this way weighs significantly less than those stored in ice.

For this reason, vehicles will use much less fuel because they will transport lighter loads.
