You Don't Even Suspect These Side Effects From Pumpkin Seeds

You Don't Even Suspect These Side Effects From Pumpkin Seeds
You Don't Even Suspect These Side Effects From Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds, full of powerful nutrients, are good for health. With their generous range of minerals and vitamins, these are the richest in seeds, which are known to cure prostate problems, arthritis, parasitic attacks. These seeds also provide natural remedies for depression.

However, in some cases, their consumption can be dangerous. Pumpkin seeds cause stomach pain when consumed in large quantities. They are a rich source of fatty oils, which when ingested beyond acceptable levels can cause stomach upset, followed by cramps and pain. Just try to eat a handful at a time or eat with other foods to eliminate this side effect.

You may be at risk of losing various nutrients if you do not consume these seeds properly. Lack of chewing will actually deprive you of the benefits they bring. Pumpkin seeds are devoid of water-soluble nutrients such as vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B12 and vitamin C.

If you cook these seeds, keep the heat to the lowest possible level. Also, chew them properly instead of just swallowing them. Edema is usually seen in people with kidney problems or some cardiovascular problems.

Studies show that these seeds have mild diuretic powers, which in turn can interact with diuretic drugs, paving the way for increased toilet visits. This can actually affect the mineral balance in your body. So, beware if you are on diuretics.

Pumpkin seeds contain protein and iron in incredible amounts, which makes them an enticing breakfast for babies. However, they are packed with fiber and fatty acids, which are not recommended for infants, as this can cause stomach cramps, pain, vomiting and even diarrhea.

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds

Although they are not strong allergens compared to other varieties of seeds, there are some allergic reactions that can be caused by the use of pumpkin seedsas the skin is their main target. Here's what you can expect if you fall victim to an allergy to them: eczema, characterized by scaly, inflamed, red skin; itching and hives [fever]; allergic asthma; Lack of air; swelling and redness of the mouth and around it and others.

Pumpkin seeds are naturally rich in antioxidants. This allows them to lower their blood pressure. Therefore, if you suffer from hypotension or are hypertensive with antihypertensive drugs, it is advisable to use seeds after discussing the associated complications and risks with your doctor.

Pumpkin seeds are actually a healthy breakfast with a wide range of health benefits. Just consume them with moderation and care to prevent side effects and take advantage of the positive ones.
