The Mind Cuts Like A Razor From Fizzy Drinks

The Mind Cuts Like A Razor From Fizzy Drinks
The Mind Cuts Like A Razor From Fizzy Drinks

There is no doubt that carbonated drinks are generally not useful at all. The carbon dioxide in them stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and causes bloating. Carbonated juices are not recommended for people with various chronic diseases such as allergies, overweight, gastritis, ulcers. In addition, according to American scientists, sweet carbonated drinks increase the possibility of obesity almost doubled.

That's not all: carbonated drinks promote the development of caries, thin bones, are somewhat associated with the formation of kidney stones due to phosphoric acid in them, can also cause diabetes.

Yes, these are all negative qualities of carbonated drinks. But, here that scientists have found a positive quality. Carbonated has been found to clear the mind and free us from those heavy thoughts and fatigue accumulated during the day.

The conclusion is the result of a study by scientists at the University of South Dakota, USA.

They advise when we are about to make an important decision in our lives, just to drink a glass of our favorite soft drink.

As a result of soda, the blood sugar level rises slightly. And that helps us make wise decisions. On the other hand, the lack of glucose in the body leads to impulsive decisions.

65 students took part in the survey. They had to answer a question whose possible answers were to take a certain amount of money in the morning or to receive a higher amount, but later in the day.

Half of the participants responded on an empty stomach, and the other half - after drinking a sweetened carbonated drink. "Ten minutes after the sweet drink, participants were more likely to receive a higher amount, but later," explains one of the psychologists in the experiment, Sao Tian Wang.

The study was conducted to find out whether blood sugar levels regulate not only eating habits but also important decision-making.
