Fried Pizza - A Delight For The Palate That You Should Try

Fried Pizza - A Delight For The Palate That You Should Try
Fried Pizza - A Delight For The Palate That You Should Try

Pizza is one of the things that almost everyone loves and eats often. But did you know that in addition to your oven or stove, you can also cook it in a pan? You haven't tried fried pizza! Now we will reveal her secret to you.

The strange fried pizza has been prepared, or at least has been known since 1910, when a third-generation pizzeria made an interesting culinary experiment in the family restaurant.

He decides to make pizza in three steps. First, roll out and fry the dough, then decorate it with the necessary products and finally put it in the oven for a while, just enough to melt the cheese on top.

The result pleasantly surprised everyone who tried it. He shared that the most important thing in the preparation of this type of pizza is palm oil. It withstands the pressure of high temperature, thus adding a delicate crunchiness to the outside of the dough.

delicious pizza
delicious pizza

If you just put it in the oven and bake it, your pizza may have a little crispy edge, but here it is all crispy because it is fried in an oil bath, at very high temperatures and for an extremely short time.

If you fill the marsh with stuffing and wrap it, you will get calzone, but the moment you fry it and decide to try it afterwards, you will realize that its taste is radically different.

This may not be the healthiest breakfast, but pizza is a big calorie bomb anyway, so there's nothing stopping you from trying this way the next time your kids ask for pizza at home. Indulge in such a temptation at least once a week!
