Surprising Applications Of Our Well-known Spices

Surprising Applications Of Our Well-known Spices
Surprising Applications Of Our Well-known Spices

As good hosts, most of you probably have a cupboard full of spices at home that you use in your daily cooking. However, it is good to know a few more useful things that you can use them for.

Oregano - works well for colds and to relieve sinus pain. All you have to do is drop 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water. After drinking it you will feel great relief.

Rosemary - an ideal remedy against mosquitoes. Put a pot of rosemary on the window in your bedroom and you will forget about the annoying buzz. The smell of this spice repels mosquitoes without fail.

Basil - removes acne. Put 20 fresh basil leaves in 600 ml of water and simmer for about 20 minutes. After the liquid has cooled, clean the face twice a day with a swab.

Coriander - fights headaches. Mash the coriander leaves into a paste and put on the forehead for at least 15 minutes.

Surprising applications of our well-known spices
Surprising applications of our well-known spices

Parsley - removes dark circles under the eyes. Due to the large amounts of vitamin C and chlorophyll, mashed parsley brightens the skin.

Marjoram - rub a marjoram leaf on your neck or wrists and you will feel its sweet scent, which in the past was used as a natural perfume-aphrodisiac.

Mint - in addition to being extremely suitable for summer cooling Mojito, the smell of mint chases rodents. They hate the smell of mint so much that they would even give up a piece of cheese on which you put a mint leaf.

The next time you decide to throw away an older packet of spices, think again about whether you can use it for something as useful as cooking, and sometimes even more useful.
