Surprising Applications Of Salt

Surprising Applications Of Salt
Surprising Applications Of Salt

Vegetables boil quickly and retain much of their nutritional value when cooked in salted water.

Lettuce and lettuce, after washing, soak for 10-15 minutes in salted water to remove worms, if any.

Parsley and dill stay fresh and fragrant longer if sprinkled with plenty of salt.

Eggs do not crack when boiled in salted water. Flour sauces become smooth when diluted with salted water.

The aroma of coffee improves and intensifies if a few grains of salt are added to the decoction.

The yeast remains usable for a longer time if buried in fine salt.

To cool a dessert or dish faster, immerse it in a bowl of cold, highly salted water.


Clear turbid oil by adding 1 full teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of oil. Leave to stand for 3 days and carefully pour.

To check the freshness of the eggs, put them in a strong solution of salt (per 1 liter of water - 1 cup of salt). The perfectly fresh egg will float immediately to the surface, the one laid 2-3 weeks ago will remain in the middle, and the spoiled egg will sink to the bottom.

To easily clean a burnt pot or pan, sprinkle the bottom with a thick layer of salt and let it stand for several hours. In the same way, remove cigarette stains on faience or porcelain ashtrays.

You can remove greasy stains from the kitchen stove by salting the hot stove with plenty of salt and rubbing it with paper.

The pan is cleaned very well when rubbed hot with a piece of soft paper and salt.

When the dish boils on the stove, sprinkle salt on top immediately. This avoids the formation of smoke and bad smell in the kitchen.
