Unsuspected Facts About Iceberg Lettuce

Unsuspected Facts About Iceberg Lettuce
Unsuspected Facts About Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg lettuce is one of the vegetables that could hardly be found in our country until a decade ago. Currently, however, it is among the most common products in markets and supermarkets. In addition, almost every restaurant offers a specialty in which it is included.

However, few people know where the name of the salad comes from, as well as other interesting facts about it. If you want to get a better idea of leafy vegetables, see some interesting information about it in the following lines, selected by foodpanda:

- The name of the product comes from the fact that it was transported in trucks with ice. The purpose of the practice was to prevent leaf rot;

- Iceberg lettuce made its market debut back in 1945. Traders then advertise it as the first salad that stays fresh after transportation;

- Iceberg lettuce is combined with sprouts, seeds, tomatoes, cucumbers. Its combination with avocado, blue cheese, bacon, salmon, tuna, corn, pine nuts, walnuts is especially relevant;

Iceberg with tuna
Iceberg with tuna

Photo: Victoria

- Iceberg lettuce is indicated as one of the most dietary foods, as it contains a huge amount of water (about 98 percent). In addition, it is minimal in calories;

- The amount of vitamins and minerals in iceberg lettuce is believed to be lower than in other types of lettuce;

- Many people are condescending to the Iceberg lettuce, thinking that there is nothing useful in it, but according to scientists it is not. Researchers claim that vegetables contain a large amount of the mineral folate, which is important for the full development of the fetus in pregnant women;

- Iceberg lettuce is extremely popular in the United States. As more than seventy percent of vegetable production occurs in the state of California.
