Some Interesting Facts About The Great Jacques Pepin

Some Interesting Facts About The Great Jacques Pepin
Some Interesting Facts About The Great Jacques Pepin

There is hardly a person who is a gourmet and a chef at the same time and has not heard of the name of Jacques Pepin. This amazing fakir in the kitchen has not only remarkable recipes and culinary techniques, but also a very interesting life. But since biographical data about his personality can be found everywhere on the Internet, here we will introduce you to only some interesting moments of his life:

- Jacques Pepin began his internship as a chef only at the age of 12;

- Since he has lived in America for over 50 years, although he is French by birth, his books are published mainly in English. But here is the moment to mention that his book "Every day with Jacques Pepin: Quick and tasty recipes" is on the market, which is also published in Bulgarian. Unfortunately, you will rarely be able to find it with a price below BGN 25, which is definitely not in the pocket of the average Bulgarian. Otherwise, you can enjoy the culinary show he hosts and which is broadcast on television;

- Jacques Pepin has worked in the most famous and sophisticated restaurants in the world and even refused the offer of John F. Kennedy to become his personal chef. He preferred the restaurant business. But in 2010, he agreed to personally prepare dinner for Barack Obama;

'In the past, however, he worked as a personal chef for two French prime ministers and was Charles de Gaulle's favorite chef;

- Jacques Pepin has written many books, but his work "Technique" is considered a real bestseller, which is perceived as a culinary Bible among chefs;

Chef Jacques Pepin
Chef Jacques Pepin

- Unlike most chefs, Jacques Pepin does not want to use only fresh products at all costs. Many of his recipes are prepared with what can be found in the form of a forgotten can in your closet or basement. It is with such recipes that he can really impress you. And it is they who can teach you how you can get an exquisite dish from the simplest products in a short time, which you can serve even to pretentious guests;

- Jacques Pepin has a life outside the kitchen, in which, among other things, his wife participates. The Frenchman loves to paint and even works in sculpture. Not on a professional level of course, but there are definitely works that deserve attention.
