Shocking Facts About Some Products

Shocking Facts About Some Products
Shocking Facts About Some Products

There are foods and products that should not be consumed in large quantities for certain reasons. Italian nutritionists have compiled a list of shocking facts about food.

In tenth place is the ancient ruler Mithradite VI. He whirled 100 years before the new era and regularly took small doses of poison to develop immunity to it.

The man had very real fears that he would be poisoned by someone close to him. When one day he decided to commit suicide with the help of poison, it did not work, so his servant had to stab him with a sword.

In ninth place is the fact of mosquitoes and bananas. If you have just eaten bananas, you run the risk of being bitten by a whole flock of mosquitoes. For unknown reasons, they attack people who are crowded with southern fruits.


Beer is in eighth place - during the Renaissance it was safer to drink beer than water, as fermentation in beer destroyed the bacteria that cause cholera and dysentery.

In seventh place is the addiction to tea - a person becomes addicted to it much faster than to heroin.

Sixth place is held by green tomatoes. There is a lot of solanine in them. If you eat two kilograms of green tomatoes, you will die of poisoning.


Fifth place is given to mold - if the bread is covered with mold, it should not be consumed. Even if scraped with a knife, the mold exists because its strands penetrate deep, a few inches inward.

In fourth place are peanuts, which were used in the production of dynamite.

In third place is milk, which according to allergists is the strongest allergen in the world. It contains milk sugar and lactose.

Most people in Japan and China cannot drink milk because they immediately develop symptoms of poisoning.

When it comes to China, second on the list is salt. In ancient China, it was used for suicide - it was enough to eat 400 grams of it.

Coffee comes first - the interesting fact is that if you decide to end your life by suicide, you can use coffee. But for this purpose you will have to drink 100 cups of strong coffee one after the other.
