How To Store And Preserve Meatballs?

How To Store And Preserve Meatballs?
How To Store And Preserve Meatballs?

In order to achieve the maximum shelf life of cooked meatballs, for safety and quality, the cooled meatballs are cooled in shallow, hermetically sealed containers or tightly wrapped with aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

You should not keep the meatballs exposed to the air. Wrapping and insulating them will protect them from absorbing unwanted odors and drying out. Packaged products last longer.

Properly stored prepared meatballs will last from 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. To further extend the shelf life of cooked meatballs, freeze them. Freeze in sealed airtight containers or wrap tightly with aluminum foil and place in the freezer.

Properly stored, they will maintain good quality for 3 to 4 months. Bacteria in food grow quickly in a warmer environment, so if your meatballs have been sitting in the heat for more than two hours, it is not desirable to freeze them.

When you put meatballs in the freezer, always insulate them with foil or other material, because the ice will soak up the meat juice and they will lose their color and nutrition. You can add a label on which you write the date of freezing, so you can monitor the suitability of your meatballs.

If you have prepared a larger amount of meatballs for freezing, divide them into plastic bags of 400-500 g in each. This is the average amount that is usually used when cooking a dish. This way you won't have to defrost the whole piece to cut off part of it.

How to store and preserve meatballs?
How to store and preserve meatballs?

Thawed meatballs should be cooked immediately. If they have a sour taste, bad smell or yellowish texture, throw them away.

Another option for extending the shelf life of cooked meatballs is to preserve them. Arrange tightly in jars and close very well. You can also add sauce to the meatballs - for example tomato. When sterilizing cans with meatballs, the jars are boiled for at least 3 hours.

It is desirable that the jars are then stored in the refrigerator, even if they are sterilized. If you can them in autumn or winter, you can leave them in the basement.
