What Traditional Delicacies You Can Try In Cambodia

What Traditional Delicacies You Can Try In Cambodia
What Traditional Delicacies You Can Try In Cambodia

There is an 800-year-old temple in Cambodia, on the wall of which there is a picture of a chef holding fish on a skewer over an open fire. This shows that barbecue is one of the most ancient cooking methods. Cambodia has passed on its love of roast meat over the centuries and combines it with other methods from different continents, thus expanding the boundaries of its culinary traditions.

More than 3 million sugar palms rise in the interior of the country and there they have become a national symbol. Palm trees are as common a sight in Cambodia as ruins. They are not only a major part of the country's cuisine, but its roots provide protection against erosion, and its leaves are used to make roofs and pointed hats.

The sap, which is extracted from the tree if not boiled and turned into sugar, ferments and turns into palm wine.

In Cambodia, the most popular soups are with fish, meat or chicken broth. In addition, locals prefer dried seafood chips. There are many dishes in the country that are prepared with coriander and lemon balm, and chili is added to some of them. You can often see fish on their table. It is a main ingredient in sour fish soup, fish that is baked with rice, as well as fish sauce.

One of the popular side dishes in Cambodia is rice, which is often seasoned with herbs and palm, peanut or coconut oil. Rice with soy sauce and pork, cooked rice with bananas, fish or seafood are also often served.

One of the reasons to visit Cambodia besides the cuisine are the great beaches. There are also areas in Cambodia that are a real paradise for those who like to eat delicious food. From the traditional to the kitchen full of surprises, you will be truly satisfied with the dishes of this amazing country.

Cambodian cuisine is also known as Khmer. It is based on many tropical fruits, noodles and rice. Khmer cuisine has a lot in common with Thai. You can also find similarities with Vietnamese cuisine, with which it shares many common dishes, as well as a common colonial history - both countries are part of the French colonial empire in Southeast Asia. China and France also have a strong influence on Cambodian cuisine.

Curry dishes show influence from India. From France in Cambodia inherited the baguettes, which are most often eaten with pate, canned sardines or eggs.

One of the most important ingredients in Cambodian cuisine is a paste of fermented fish prahok. The widespread use of this pasta is the main thing that distinguishes Cambodian cuisine from that of its neighboring countries.

Because the country has a wide network of waterways, freshwater fish occupy an important place in local cuisine. Fish is the most commonly consumed meat, followed by pork and chicken.

One of the most famous cakes made in the country is made from steamed rice or peas, grated coconut and coconut milk.
