Happiness Comes With These 10 Foods

Happiness Comes With These 10 Foods
Happiness Comes With These 10 Foods

There are several foods that can really make us happy. This effect is not due to their taste, but to the effect of these products on the human body. On the occasion, the British newspaper Daily Mail recommends 10 foods to bring back your wide smile and positivism:


The high iron content in spinach gives energy to the body and helps for better concentration. It is rich in vitamin B6, which has a major contribution to the production of serotonin, also known as the hormone of happiness.

Sweet potatoes

This type of potato is rich in folic acid, which is responsible for normal blood sugar levels in the body.

Brazil nuts

Thanks to these exotic nuts, the body obtains selenium, which helps to cope with bad moods and anxiety.

Oily fish

Fat-rich fish species are high in omega-5 fatty acids. It is known that the low content of these acids leads to depression.



These delicious green fruits are full of folic acid, tryptophan and vitamin B6.


Eggs provide the body with zinc, which is important for metabolism and blood sugar control.



The traditional Bulgarian product has a high content of calcium. This mineral softens sudden mood swings, depression and anxiety.


This type of food is extremely rich in protein. Thanks to it, energy is increased and concentration is improved.


Exotic fruits satiate hunger and improve mood between meals by balancing sugar levels. They are also full of vitamin B6 and also send tryptophan, the acid that the brain converts to serotonin.


The traditional product for the Bulgarian table is also a good source of serotonin. Wholemeal bread gives less of the hormone of happiness, but the energy produced by it is more stable and will last you longer than if you eat white bread.
