A Few Clever Options To Keep Lemons Longer

A Few Clever Options To Keep Lemons Longer
A Few Clever Options To Keep Lemons Longer

Lemons and oranges could be kept fresh for a longer time if smeared with vegetable oil, placed in a cellophane bag and kept cool. But we will mainly pay attention to the storage of lemon - this fresh, fragrant and very useful fruit.

They can be stored quickly and easily as follows:

- Remove their skin with a thin knife, place whole or sliced in a wide-necked glass jar, adding sugar. Per kilogram of lemons - 1 kg of sugar. The jars are filled tightly to the top, wrapped in paper and placed in a dark and cool place;

- Lemons can be prepared with their peel. Fresh, undamaged fruits are selected, cut with a sharp knife into slices about 5-6 mm thick, and their flesh should not be damaged. Arrange the pieces horizontally in a glass jar and sprinkle with sugar. The fruits prepared in this way are kept at room temperature for a week, turning the jar from time to time, as well as the slices themselves, so that the sugar can be distributed evenly. After this time, the jars are kept cool, maybe in the refrigerator for about 1 year;

- And another way to preserve the freshness of the lemon - to keep in a container with water, changing the water several times a day, but this way is to quickly store a few lemons;

- Lemons can also be stored for a longer time if wrapped in paper and left in a cool place at a temperature of about 6-7 degrees. This way it can be stored for about a few months.


In order to keep a cut half of a lemon, it is placed with its cut part down in a saucer, and we have added a few drops of vinegar to the saucer.

Lemons give more juice if we pre-mash them on a hard surface or immerse for a few minutes in hot water.

If we need only a few drops, we can pierce the fruit with a thick needle and squeeze as needed, and the hole is filled with a toothpick. In this way the fruit will retain its freshness for a longer time.
