Bulgarians Prefer Bulgarian Beer To Imported Beer

Bulgarians Prefer Bulgarian Beer To Imported Beer
Bulgarians Prefer Bulgarian Beer To Imported Beer

Native beer continues to be a favorite for our people. Despite the fact that more and more foreign brands are appearing on the market, as much as 91 percent of the beer consumed in Bulgaria is produced by companies that are members of the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria. This is shown by data of the branch organization, quoted by ExpertBg.

The presented data made it clear that domestic consumers continue to hold on to domestic beer, despite the fact that last calendar year there were imports of 466,000 hectoliters of beer.

This information, as well as other current results concerning the sector, were announced during a press conference of the Union of Brewers, which took place a few days before the professional holiday of the industry - Ilinden.

The event was attended by Vladimir Ivanov - Chairman of the Board of the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria, as well as representatives of some of the largest companies for the production of beer we have.

According to the information of the Brewers' Union, in 2014 5,230,000 hectoliters of the sparkling drink were sold on our market. However, this amount is 5 percent less than in 2013.

A pint of beer
A pint of beer

At the same time, again in 2014 there was an increase in sales of beer in cans. The beer in PET bottles is still the most sought after, followed by the one in glass bottles, and the third largest beer on sale.

During a press conference of the Brewers' Union, it became clear that the breweries continue to support domestic malt producers.

It turns out that almost half of the raw material used to make beer is actually extracted in our country. In addition, it was understood that from this year Bulgarian beer lovers can take advantage of six new brands that have been launched on the domestic market.

The flour specialists shared something else interesting. Beer continues to be the favorite drink of Bulgarians and this statement is confirmed by recent studies.

According to them, 78 percent of the adult population of the country consume beer. The preferences of these people for the category are not significantly determined by the amount of their income.
