Every Day We Need 400-500 G Of Milk Or Dairy Products

Every Day We Need 400-500 G Of Milk Or Dairy Products
Every Day We Need 400-500 G Of Milk Or Dairy Products

Many dishes are prepared with the addition of fresh or yogurt, cheese, cheese, cottage cheese, cream and other dairy products. In addition, milk is too often an integral part of the daily menu of many people. Therefore, it is not uninteresting to know its taste and nutritional qualities.

Milk has been used as food by mankind since ancient times. Its valuable nutritional qualities have provided it with the widest application not only as a food product, but also as a medicine. Even the ancient Greek and Roman physicians recommended milk in the treatment of a number of diseases and especially tuberculosis.

Nowadays, cow's, sheep's, goat's and buffalo's milk is mostly used as a nutrient. In some countries, the milk of camels, mares, llamas and other domestic animals is also used. In terms of the percentage of its constituent components, the milk from different animals differs from each other and finds different applications - either as food or as a medicine.

Milk contains almost all the nutrients necessary for the human body in the most favorable relationship between them. On the other hand, these substances in milk are found in the most digestible form by the human body.

In addition, some vitamins are found in milk.


An important feature of milk and dairy products is that they, in addition to being a complete food, also contribute to the digestibility of other foods with which they are combined. It is not in vain that milk is given as an antidote to persons engaged in work harmful to their health.

For middle-aged and elderly people, milk is important both as a prophylactic and as a treatment against arteriosclerosis. This is due to the fact that it contains vitamins C and E, B vitamins, choline and the amino acid methionine.

Despite the fact that milk fat contains cholesterol, milk does not pose a danger of cholesterol accumulation in the body, because it also contains lecithin.

The most valuable for the human body is fresh milk. However, it can be successfully replaced by condensed milk or powdered milk, which when diluted with boiling water acquire the taste, aroma and qualities of fresh milk.

Dairy products are also important for nutrition - yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, cream and others. These products contain all the components of milk in a completely digestible form for the body, and also have other valuable qualities. They have a beneficial effect on the functional and putrefactive processes in the stomach, as they contain products of fermentation of milk sugar.

The daily diet of an adult should contain about 400-500 g of milk or dairy products.
