Do People Need Dairy Products? Here Is What Science Says

Do People Need Dairy Products? Here Is What Science Says
Do People Need Dairy Products? Here Is What Science Says

There has always been a debate about whether people really need milk and dairy products. Whatever is said on the subject, at some point everyone decides for himself whether to consume these products or not. However, nutrition is based on science, and it has a particular opinion, especially in the light of recent research on the subject.

Milk is a specific food product. The sugar in it is called lactose, and it in turn contains the enzyme lactase, which allows it to pass through the walls of the intestine into the bloodstream.

While we are babies, we all produce large amounts of lactase, which allows us to absorb breast milk. In societies where milk consumption has traditionally been low, such as Japan and China, most children stop producing lactase almost as soon as they are weaned. In these countries, a large proportion of the population has difficulty absorbing lactose in milk and develops lactose intolerance.

On the other hand, in populations where milk consumption has always been high, such as Europe, most adults continue to produce lactase throughout their lives and can process milk more than successfully. On the old continent, only 5% of the population has lactose intolerance.

Continuing to produce lactase in adulthood, Europeans pass this property on to children, which has become a genetic mutation. Thus, people in this part of the world can very easily process milk and dairy products, which, according to scientists, gives them a huge advantage.

Dairy products
Dairy products

Milk is a useful source of protein, energy, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins and iodine, which means that people with this mutation are generally healthier than those who cannot tolerate milk.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance include gas, bloating and diarrhea. If you do not have any of the above problems after consuming milk, scientists recommend regular use of the product and its derivatives, which makes us healthier and more resistant to various diseases.
