Valuable Diet Products To Eat Every Day

Valuable Diet Products To Eat Every Day
Valuable Diet Products To Eat Every Day

In the following lines we will list some of the most valuable and at the same time dietary productsthat you can consume daily.

1. Cucumbers and tomatoes

We have heard that cucumbers contain about 98% water, but you hardly know that tomatoes also have a very high water content, namely about 94%. Eat them as often as you like (as long as they are seasonal). They will hydrate your body without accumulating excess calories.

2. Green salads

Eat salads every day
Eat salads every day

Green salads have a water content of about 90% depending on the specific type of lettuce. They are one of the most dietary foods, but it is extremely important to wash them thoroughly. It is even advisable to soak the lettuce in water for a while so that you can remove any nitrates that may be present. Remember that you can prepare a green salad not only from our lettuce, but also from arugula, iceberg, kopf salad, baby spinach and much more.

3. Broccoli

Another one diet food, which is also very rich in vitamins. In addition, unlike lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers, you can eat broccoli all year round.

4. Zucchini

Zucchini are diet products for every day
Zucchini are diet products for every day

We can enjoy nice zucchini in spring and summer and do not worry about consuming them daily. They also have a high percentage of water and will not lead to weight gain. However, instead of frying them, you can cook them in the oven. Zucchini also makes great salads, soups, meatballs and even rolls.

5. Low-fat dairy products

Probably the best source of calcium. However, if you monitor your weight, then choose only those dairy products that are low in fat. And it immediately occurs to us that maybe right now you can prepare a tarator - the favorite cold soup of the Bulgarians!

6. Portion of lean meat or fish

It is advisable to emphasize (unless you are a vegetarian) beef, chicken, turkey and rabbit meat. And fish has long been known to be consumed at least twice a week.

7. Whole grains

Whole grains are dietary
Whole grains are dietary

Do not rely only on products made from whole wheat. Diversify your menu with buckwheat, quinoa or black rice. Just be careful with their quantities!

8. A handful of nuts

We have explicitly written a "handful" of nuts, because although useful, they are quite high in calories.

9. Berries

In a very small amount of berries there are countless nutrients that will keep you full for a long time.

10. Quail eggs

Salad with quail eggs
Salad with quail eggs

Photo: Sonya Simeonova

There is more and more talk about their benefits, especially for their regular consumption by young and adolescent children. Do not exclude these dietary products neither from your own daily menu, nor from that of your children!
