Foods That Keep The Brain Young

Foods That Keep The Brain Young
Foods That Keep The Brain Young

If you have ever wondered what is the most important organ in your body, then you have undoubtedly come to the answer that it is the brain. Why? He is responsible for all processes; thanks to him we walk, performing the finest movements; we dance; we run. Through it we speak, think and act.

And if you were among the few who wondered if there was still a more important organ, answer for yourself: is there another part of our body that is responsible for so many processes in our body?

Because of all this, it is important to support the brain you are in brilliant health. Each cell of it has its own function and each particle is essential. It is inevitable that over the years our brain will undergo some changes - as our body and face fall victim to the traces of time, so this organ slowly changes.

Therefore, even at a certain age, people become more prone to certain nervous diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. There is a way to take care of your brain - apart from the classic methods such as reading, communicating or solving various puzzles, the term food for the brain it is not just portable.

Nuts and dried fruits

Nuts and dried fruits keep the brain young
Nuts and dried fruits keep the brain young

One of the products he loves are nuts and dried fruits. Surely you've noticed that the walnut looks like the brain itself? This is not accidental. All nuts are rich in fatty acids, which are important for every system in our body. They reduce inflammatory processes, thus directly protecting us from the development of Alzheimer's, dementia, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. Nuts and dried fruits are also very rich in fiber; they reduce the levels of cholesterol in our body while purifying it.


Blueberries are food for the brain
Blueberries are food for the brain

Cranberries are another food that is known for its beneficial properties. The fact is that they improve vision, but apart from it, thanks to the flavonoids they contain, this food also strengthens the brain us. They have also been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

Green leafy vegetables

Foods that keep the brain young
Foods that keep the brain young

Green vegetables are a food hated by children. But our body loves it very much - they directly protect the brain from damage. It is important to eat broccoli, spinach and all salad plants - in addition to direct brain damage, they will protect you from other diseases that are also detrimental to the most important organ - vascular disease.

Always hydrated

Foods that keep the brain young
Foods that keep the brain young

For the most part, our brains are made up of water. Dehydration has direct damage to our body - everyone has experienced it. Once you experience severe headaches and concentration problems for just a few hours without water, imagine what constant dehydration does to your body. How much water should you drink? It depends on your weight and weight, using the amount of 2 liters per day as an average reference point.
