Lack Of Breakfast Bothers The Brain

Lack Of Breakfast Bothers The Brain
Lack Of Breakfast Bothers The Brain

In order for your thoughts to be clear, you need to feed your brain with quality and appropriate food. If you constantly sleep during work, you can't concentrate and your thoughts are floating in space, most likely your brain is tired or just hasn't eaten.

It has already been scientifically proven that the work of the brain depends mostly on the food we eat. Our brain makes up only five percent of our body mass, but it consumes more food than any other organ.

Gray matter absorbs twenty percent oxygen, almost a third of calories, and takes up most of the blood glucose. The quality of food can affect our memory, our imagination, the speed of thinking.

Our mental activity is the result of biochemical processes that take place in the cells of the brain. In order not to slow down, it is necessary to charge oneself with enough energy.

To think fully, you need to eat regularly. Even a missed breakfast can cloud your thoughts. The consequences of this omission are twofold: before noon, the brain cells do not work at full strength due to lack of energy, and then they will be harassed when you eat seriously at noon.


Then the blood from the head will be directed to the stomach to digest the large amount of food, and the brain will relax and begin to work at a slow pace.

The easiest way to feed your brain is to eat a piece of chocolate or candy - sugar immediately rushes to the blood and your thoughts become crystal clear.

However, this effect is very short-lived. Therefore, experts advise you to focus on slowly digestible carbohydrates - bread, rice, muesli, oatmeal.

In addition to sugar and carbohydrates, brain cells must be fed protein - meat, fish, dairy products. Proteins are involved in the production of dopamine and adrenaline, which accelerate the speed of reactions and thought processes.

Many useful proteins complete with unsaturated fatty acids are contained in oily fish - salmon, mackerel, herring. In addition, the brain needs minerals and vitamins.

Magnesium deficiency depletes the cerebral cortex and reduces its capacity. Bananas, almonds and honey can prevent this.

The lack of chromium, which is contained in black bread and black tea, can lead to a depressed state. Iodine stimulates mental activity, and zinc and iron increase memory.

No less than a liter and a half of fluid a day is needed for the normal functioning of the brain. It is best if it is pure water, green tea, mineral water, fresh or compote.
