How To Prepare Flounder

How To Prepare Flounder
How To Prepare Flounder

Fish lovers probably know what flounder is. For the rest we will explain that this is an ocean, sea or river bottom fish, a relative of the turbot, also called flounder. It is found mainly in the southern warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Flounder has juicy and tender flesh with a perfectly white color. It is famous as one of the most useful and low-calorie fish in general. This is due to its minimal fat content. Its demand is high, as it is recommended in many diets and diets. According to new research, only 200 g of flounder per week is able to protect you from cardiovascular disease.

Do you decide to bet on flounder, you have a choice of four different families. They are all edible. The difference comes from the color and location of their eyes. The most popular are brown flounder. Less commonly, you may come across green, blue, red or orange fish of this species.

Flounder enjoys many benefits. It is a valuable source of protein, easier to digest than in any other meat. B vitamins, A and E are also abundant, in combination with magnesium and phosphorus. It is vitamins that help convert food into energy.


To enjoy the valuable qualities of flounder, it is best to cook it on the grill, grill, pan or oven. The most common recipes with it are prepared with a minimum amount of fat, as they are destined for a diet. On the other hand, it is so multifunctional that it can be included in literally any recipe that requires fish - soups, salads, sandwiches, skewers.

Like any fish, flounder goes well with tomato sauce and onions. Corresponds well, strange as it may sound, with dairy products and most of all - yellow cheese.

Flounder is not suitable for smoking. It only takes a few minutes to marinate. Prolonged marinating makes it too brittle and difficult to process.

The most suitable spices for this fish are dry. In addition, it does not need excessive flavoring. It is prepared quickly.
