A Healthy Stomach Loves This Breakfast

A Healthy Stomach Loves This Breakfast
A Healthy Stomach Loves This Breakfast

To a large extent, the basis of excellent health is proper nutrition. It is extremely important to maintain a favorable diet for the intestines and this is a key factor for great self-esteem. That is why it is so important that the menu is rich in dietary fiber, as well as foods rich in prebiotics and probiotics.

Dietary fiber is very important for excellent health. For example, they prevent constipation and also take care of the excellent level of blood sugar and cholesterol in the body, which is very important. Cereals, most vegetables and dried fruits are rich in fiber.

Prebiotic foods are also very useful as they are the food of intestinal bacteria. One of the most saturated with them is wheat, bananas, artichokes and rye. It makes them great breakfast for a healthy stomach.

Other very useful foods are probiotic foods. They are also very rich in beneficial strains of bacteria such as lactobacillus. These dietary fibers can be found in a number of fermented foods such as sauerkraut, which is adored by everyone in Bulgaria, or even in kimchi. These bacteria can also be found in natural yogurt, which is often the case preferably as a snack for a healthy stomach.

Omega-3 fatty acids are no less important for the body. One of their most important functions is to maintain intestinal health. Recent research in this area proves that they play an important role in the intestinal flora. In addition, they are a guarantee that the intestines contain as many beneficial bacteria for the body.

Nuts are a great food for a healthy stomach
Nuts are a great food for a healthy stomach

If you want to take care of your excellent self-esteem and in particular your intestines, then it is important to minimize salt consumption. Recent studies have shown that excessive salt in the diet is very harmful to beneficial lactobacilli, which are a key factor in the excellent intestinal flora in the body.

The perfect breakfast foods are cereals, dairy products, dried fruits, flaxseed and nuts. And remember that it is important to take care of your health comprehensively, not only to eat healthily, but also to lead an active lifestyle.
