A Few Tips For A Healthy Breakfast

A Few Tips For A Healthy Breakfast
A Few Tips For A Healthy Breakfast

Although you do not have the habit of having breakfast, gradually begin to educate your psyche and body that breakfast is really the most important thing for the day. It charges the body with energy that is easily burned during the day. Skipping the first meal of the day is a mistake that many people make on a daily basis.

The consequences can be dire - from gaining a few extra pounds, to developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. If you do not eat breakfast, the balance of the whole metabolism is disturbed and brain activity is slowed down.

If you don't usually get hungry in the morning, force yourself and eat something small. Let it not be sweet, because the carbohydrates from biscuits and chocolates are consumed quickly and by the time it's time for lunch you will probably be starving.


The best breakfasts are cereals, muesli, raw fruits and nuts, or a ready-mix of the four foods that can easily be found on food stalls.

If you can still take some time to prepare something healthy for yourself and your family in the morning, here are some ideas to help you:

Eggs and bacon

According to some studies, this is the perfect breakfast. It gives the body fats and carbohydrates that will be consumed throughout the day and you will not starve for at least a few more hours. It is recommended to have a Teflon pan and not use any fat when frying eggs and bacon.

Oatmeal, bananas and honey

A complete breakfast, but do not overdo it. Everything in it is nutritious and a glass of boiled oatmeal, seasoned with honey and a little sliced banana should fill you up. You can combine it with a glass of skim milk.

Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad

Muesli and yogurt

In the shops you will find a wide range of mixes with muesli, nuts and various fruits. Mix a few spoonfuls with a cup of yogurt and let stand for 10 minutes. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon and fresh fruit.

Cottage cheese with vegetables

Extremely healthy breakfast that is ready in minutes. Just chop the vegetables (preferably leafy greens), mix them with the cottage cheese and season with a little spice of your choice. Spread this makeshift milk pate on a slice of wholemeal or rye bread.

Fruit cocktail

The fruits are suitable for breakfast. It is possible to make a salad to taste with a little honey and cinnamon, beat them with a blender and drink the resulting puree. If not, cut 2 fruits and mix them with a little cottage cheese.
