You Miss Breakfast - It Hurts The Stomach

You Miss Breakfast - It Hurts The Stomach
You Miss Breakfast - It Hurts The Stomach

Nowadays, many people miss breakfast in a hurry in their busy daily lives. For many people, "breakfast" is a cup of hot coffee with a cigarette on an empty stomach.

However, the body does not like this beginning of the day at all.

In the morning, people need energy to meet the daily activity. The entire digestive system secretes juices and enzymes that are expected to break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. But you just do not satisfy the "hunger" of the body, because you miss breakfast.

What's next? Blood sugar levels drop, nervousness, distraction and headaches appear. Hungry like a wolf around noon, you already eat what you have on hand, very often foods such as "fast food".

Consciousness is narrowed only to the need to supply any fuel to the body. In this way, however, a vicious cycle begins - eating such foods dramatically raises blood sugar, followed by a powerful release of insulin and a new drop in glucose.


In the evening comes the thought of the pleasure of eating. A hearty meal with a variety of dishes, drinking and talking in front of the TV, mostly around 19-20 hours.

However, this is exactly the time when the body is set by nature to reduce its activity. And so around midnight, when you are resting, you load the body, which boils hard overtime to process the late feast.

However, these calories come in more to the body and it predictably accumulates them as stocks in the form of those hated by all fats - mainly around the abdomen and buttocks.

This is the simplest explanation of the question that many people ask themselves. Namely why they gain weight when they hardly eat. The evening meal is completely converted into reserve fat. And this is just one trouble. The other is the torture of the digestive organs.

All the morning's unused strong digestive juices erode their mucous membranes. And eating in the evening causes bloating, cramps in the intestines, flatulence, heaviness, palpitations and restless sleep.

To prevent this vicious circle, just start having breakfast.
