The Twins Are Experimenting In The Kitchen, The Crabs Want What Is Forbidden

The Twins Are Experimenting In The Kitchen, The Crabs Want What Is Forbidden
The Twins Are Experimenting In The Kitchen, The Crabs Want What Is Forbidden

Representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini are experimenters in the kitchen, they love the national cuisine of different countries. That's why they spend a lot of time learning new recipes or visiting restaurants that cook only national dishes from a certain country.

Eggs, dairy products and nuts are very useful for Gemini. Dried fruits work very well on the health of Gemini. Because they like to try everything new, Gemini loves strange spices.

When you have a representative of the zodiac sign Gemini, you should know that he will prefer the variety of dishes to the quantity. Offer him a few, but different types of dishes.

Exotic dishes are his favorite. From its fruits serve pomegranate, passion fruit and papaya, from the spices like cardamom, nutmeg, vanilla, mint, sesame.

The twins have an innate instinct for healthy food and if they feel the signals of their body properly, they will always keep in good shape. However, they should avoid overly spicy spices, greasy products and cakes with a lot of cream.

Pork curry
Pork curry

Crabs have a strange tendency to always want what is forbidden to them. Therefore, Crabs must observe strict discipline when it comes to nutrition.

The digestive system is the weak point of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Stomach aches, digestive problems - this is common for Crabs.

Crabs love to cook, but they don't always try to make the food look perfect when served. According to them, it is enough that they tried to prepare it.

Crabs should avoid products that cause fermentation in the stomach - these are beer and confectionery. Representatives of this zodiac sign should emphasize fish, yogurt and whole grains.

Crabs should eat often, but less. After a meal you should not overdo it with too cold drinks. Crayfish, paradoxically, can be allergic to seafood. But that's when they show the greatest interest in them.
