Dietary Combination Of Tomatoes With Other Foods

Dietary Combination Of Tomatoes With Other Foods
Dietary Combination Of Tomatoes With Other Foods

Tomatoeswhich we all know are not equally useful in every combination. Let's find out what we can eat this vegetable with and what combination with other products has a detrimental effect on our body and health.

What to combine tomatoes with?

People who are guided by the principles of a separate diet, take into account the chemical composition of the products used when compiling the daily menu. It is important for them to take care of their health and the body of their family members.

In general, the average person does not know with what products tomatoes are combined. For example, when making a salad with tomatoes, you should prepare it with vegetable oil or sour cream, and among the ingredients it is best to use peppers, nuts, broccoli, cheese or meat.

The following combinations with tomatoes are most acceptable in food:

Tomatoes with olive oil
Tomatoes with olive oil

Vegetables - peppers, eggplant, broccoli, pumpkin;

Fruits - pineapple, apples, plums, avocados;


Seafood - salmon, cod, shrimp, squid;

Dairy products - cheese, cream, cottage cheese;

The perfect combination are tomatoes with vegetable oil. This nutritional tandem helps to prolong the youth of the skin and acts as a cancer prevention.

Lycopene contained in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant. It reduces damage from ultraviolet rays. Vegetable fats contribute to its absorption. Especially useful is the use of tomatoes with olive oil.

In addition, cheese, nuts, herbs and vegetables are the perfect combination of tomatoes. This means that you can easily make salads by filling them with sour cream and vegetable oil.

What do tomatoes not combine with?

Not combined with:

Legumes - beans, peas, lentils;


Wheat plants;



Confectionery and sugar.

From a biological point of view, tomatoes are fruits, so they can cause fermentation in the body. Especially catastrophic for tomatoes is the meeting with pasta and meat. For the same reason, it is advisable not to eat apples, oranges, peaches and other fruits for dessert. The best time to eat them is half an hour before a meal.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are not eaten together? Why?

Tomatoes and cucumbers do not combine well
Tomatoes and cucumbers do not combine well

Cucumber and tomato salad - the traditional summer dish on the table of our compatriots. However, nutritionists are alarmed and claim that these two vegetables do not combine. But why is that?

It is believed that cucumbers and tomatoes should not be mixed. The reason for this is that cucumbers contribute to the appearance of an alkaline environment in the body, while tomatoes are sour. With such a combination begins the process of salt formation, which has a high level of content in the body and causes irreparable damage to the kidneys and liver.

In addition, experts say that the incompatibility of tomatoes and cucumbers is confirmed by the fact that tomatoes are a source of ascorbic acid, and the well-known green vegetable helps to neutralize its action. Thus, the body does not receive vitamin C.

These are not all arguments why you should not consume these popular vegetables together. To digest cucumbers and tomatoes, special enzymes are needed, different for each of them. This invariably leads to the fact that while one of them is absorbed by the body, the other is putrid. And this leads to excessive gas formation.

What else to combine tomatoes with?

Tomatoes and olives are a good food combination
Tomatoes and olives are a good food combination

Onions and tomatoes are rich in selenium. This substance has a positive effect on the human reproductive system. Vitamin E helps in the proper absorption of selenium, so a salad with onions and tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil is a healthy dish.

Tomatoes go well with peppers and cabbage. However, people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal system should refrain from eating cabbage.

As for other products, we can say that tomatoes are perfectly combined with olives. This combination is cancer prevention.
